
23 April 2015

5 Rules Malaysians Motorist Need Some Serious Reminding About To Reduce Traffic Jams and Accidents. #traffic

1. Traffic Lights

Many drivers honestly believe that when the lights turn yellow it means accelerate faster. You are supposed to slow down and get ready to stop! Red means you MUST stop.... no ifs or buts!

Red also does not mean it's time to read your text messages and chat or do your nails or put on your make up, please be alert so that when the lights turn green its time to go .

2. Yellow Box

Do Not Stop inside the yellow box. Its not a VIP parking area. If you are going into a yellow box during heavy traffic make sure the route you are taking is clear enough for your car to pass through the yellow box.

3. Overtaking on the Emergency Lane

The Emergency Lane is as the word says for an Emergency. Its not a VIP overtaking lane or a lane where you can stop to take a snooze, we have rest stops and petrol stations for that. What makes you think that only you are in a hurry and that you can overtake on the emergency lane? Cars that breakdown or have an emergency are allowed to stop in this lane. In any case you are not supposed to overtake on the left side.

4. Choose the correct lane at  Roundabouts.


The extreme left lane is for the first turn off, the middle lane is for the second turn off and the right lane is for the third turn offs. Many times motorist like to use the extreme left lane and then cut in to go to the second and third turn offs.

5. Use your signal Lights 

Turning on your signal left or right does not mean you have instant right of way, you still need to look fora safe gap between cars and change your lanes. Many motorist think that once they switch on their signal lights they have right of way to change lanes.

  1. Check the traffic ahead.
  2. Glance in mirrors for breaks in the traffic.
  3. Check the blind spot by looking over your shoulder into the lane you wish to occupy.
  4. Signal.
  5. Check the mirror and look over your shoulder again to make sure the space is empty.
  6. Change lanes by moving into a break in traffic flow.
  7. Steer to center the vehicle in the new lane.
  8. Turn off the signal.

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